Wednesday, April 24, 2013

number 13 my favorite movie

My favorite movie is American History X.  This movie is very great because it shows the viewers the different opinions and different perspective from the whites and the blacks in venice beach. This movie shows people the racism that was going on in venice beach at that time.

This movie showed the viewers the conflict between the whites and the hispanics and how corrupt some of the white people were being against them. They showed their hatred to the hispanics by raided the stores that used to be owned by whites and were taken over by “boarder jumpers” as they would say.

This movie was greatly directed and the actors were wonderful. I also loved that this movie was based off real life events and the commentary that people had to say about them, their thoughts and opinions about what was really happening with racial issues during that time.

The main theme of the story is that the white people in venice beach thought they were being overrun by blacks and their crimes that made their city worse, this made the whites start gangs and the white gangs led to more gangs by blacks and hispanics. I believe all cities,schools, and pretty much everywhere should have diversity. In this movie it shows life without diversity, which makes you think about why we are and should be a diverse nation.

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