I believe that one of the greatest ways to escape reality for a while is to put in earphones and listen to you favorite music. I think that it sparks the brain with rhythm and patterns of tone which makes someone have good thoughts and feelings. My favorite type of music is rap/memphis underground because I can listen to the songs and actually understand what their talking about and their meaning most of the time. Rap music, believe it or not actually has much meaning and when these rappers wrote these songs it was either with their good feelings or bad and they just express those feeling through their music.

Rap music is similar to poems they use phrases of feelings and emotions mixed in with rymes. If you actually listen to their lyrics you will be able to understand what their talking about and they could also be talking about stuff that you had personal experiences with like life troubles, or girl problems, even death. When rappers write their songs they just put all their feelings into words and rhymes.
Thee reason I like rap music so much is not only the significance to life and its problems but also the bass and beats. The bass to me is just like the deepness of the song and also sets the mood for the whole song either if its sad or happy. rap music is more than just cursing but actually has feeling and expression of what they are thinking and what they went through in life. Music is life put into words with a beat.
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