Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
assignment 26
I’m probably going to have to go with caddy shack as my favorite movie. Caddy Shack was just an all around greatly directed film and the acting in it was precise. I like d this movie also because its an old movie and about golfing which both fascinate me very much. This movie was very funny.
This movie had many interesting and funny parts to it like when the guy kept trying to kill the gofer so it wouldn't ruin the golf course anymore and how that was his main goal the whole movie. The golfing in this movie was also very fun to watch and a lot different than how people golf now a days.
I liked the setting in this movie also in a pretty rich neighborhood at a vey nice country club and the way the people dressed matched the setting just right. This movie was very funny and also got a lot of credit for how good it was directed.
This movie brought many people back to old times and thats why it was a favorite for many older people. I feel like everyone should go out and see this movie because how good the plot and the story line is.
This movie is a 4 star for me and many other people and it is definitely one of my favorite movies ever.
assignment 31

assignment 29
1.) Using a tap or filled pool or a magical waterfall, a three gallon container and a five gallon container, can you measure exactly 4 gallons, you may empty the containers down the drain or on the ground or back into the pool? Explain why or why not. You can't guess or estimate.
put the water from the five gallon container pour it into 3 gallon container then you have 2 gallons left in the 5 gallon container.
Pour the 3 gallon out and pour the 2 gallons left in to the 3
fill up the 5 and pour 1 gallon into the 3 gallon container and like magic you have 4 gallons in the container
2.) Jack has three daughters and each has one brother. How many children does Jack have?
4 children
3.) Three teachers were discussing how long they had been teaching.
Adam and Betty had been teaching for a total of 36 years.
Charleen and Betty had been teaching for a total of 22 years.
Charleen and Adam had been teaching for a total of 28 years.
How long had each been teaching?Adam and Betty had been teaching for a total of 36 years.
Charleen and Betty had been teaching for a total of 22 years.
Charleen and Adam had been teaching for a total of 28 years.
4.) At dawn on Monday a small gecko fell into a bucket that was 12 inches deep.
During the day it climbed up 3 inches, however, during the night it fell back 2 inches.
On what day did the small gecko finally manage to climb out of the bucket?
next ThursdayDuring the day it climbed up 3 inches, however, during the night it fell back 2 inches.
On what day did the small gecko finally manage to climb out of the bucket?
5.) Which is larger, the number of seconds in a week or the number of minutes in a year? By how much?
604800 seconds 525949 minutes
6.) If you were to spell out the numbers in full starting with one, (One, Two, Three, etc), how far would you have to go until you found the letter ‘A’?
7.) Last week I spent half of my money on a new jacket and then I spent half of that amount on some new trousers. I was left with $24.50. How much did I spend?
8.) If I give you seven Fuji apples, you will then have five times as many as I would then have, however, if you give me seven Fuji apples, we will then both have the same number of Fuji apples. How many Fuji apples do I currently have?
About 2 fuji apples
9.) An fire ant has six legs, a black spider has eight legs and a field mouse has four legs. In my backyard zoo, I recently counted 612 legs which came from an equal number of each of these animals.
Can you identify how many animals there are in my zoo?
Can you identify how many animals there are in my zoo?
There are about 24 animals in your zoo
10.) What would be the number you get if you divide 400 by 1/2 and add 7?
The total would be 207
11.) Which number is larger, the number of seconds in a day or the number hours in 10 years? By how much?
there is 86,400 seconds in a day, and 87,658 hours in 10 years so the latter is slightly larger. the difference is 1258
Monday, June 10, 2013
Assignment 30
GMO are genetically modified organisms plants or animals created through the gene splicing techniques of biotechnology. They do this to make production easier and to make the consumer want because of the better taste. They use DNA from other species to crossbreed. Monsanto is a U.S.-based multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation. Monsanto was also the first to genetically modify a plant cell.
My opinion of GMO’s is that they should not be used because all of the food we eat should be grown naturally and not by crossbreeding other species to do it. The people want their food without having it altered to make it taste better. GMO’s are all around a terrible thing to do and should not be used on the food we pay for.
My opinion of GMO’s is that they should not be used because all of the food we eat should be grown naturally and not by crossbreeding other species to do it. The people want their food without having it altered to make it taste better. GMO’s are all around a terrible thing to do and should not be used on the food we pay for.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
assignment 22
1. Peer pressure
2. Social rewards
3. Risk-Taking behavior
4. Parental influences
5. Misinformation
6. Genetic predisposition
7. Advertising
8. Self medication
9. Media influences
10. Stress relief
I use to smoke and it all started because of peer pressure all my friends were dong it so i thought why cant I. I didn't even think about the effects it could have on me later in life. I just recently quit smoking and it was hard but i felt like I couldnt breathe as well as i use to to i knew I had to quit.
I havent had a cigarette in about a month now and I feel a lot healthier i’m not sick as much and I just feel like I can breathe better. Smoking cigarettes was a terrible choice for me, but at the time I just didn't care how bad it was for me. Whoever tells me that cigarettes arn’t bad for me I have the facts to back me up. Smoking cigarettes is a horrible habit that kills.
2. Social rewards
3. Risk-Taking behavior
4. Parental influences
5. Misinformation
6. Genetic predisposition
7. Advertising
8. Self medication
9. Media influences
10. Stress relief
I use to smoke and it all started because of peer pressure all my friends were dong it so i thought why cant I. I didn't even think about the effects it could have on me later in life. I just recently quit smoking and it was hard but i felt like I couldnt breathe as well as i use to to i knew I had to quit.
I havent had a cigarette in about a month now and I feel a lot healthier i’m not sick as much and I just feel like I can breathe better. Smoking cigarettes was a terrible choice for me, but at the time I just didn't care how bad it was for me. Whoever tells me that cigarettes arn’t bad for me I have the facts to back me up. Smoking cigarettes is a horrible habit that kills.
assignment 28
Monday, June 3, 2013
assignment 27
Friday, May 31, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
assignment 25
Wake boarding is a very fun and different action sport because you are doing tricks on water and just gliding across the water at fast or slow speeds. Their are many variations in wake boarding like you can jump the wake and do spins and flips and many different typed of tricks. It is very fun to do on a hot day because the water feels very nice on your skin and it cools you off every time you fall. Once you learn how to wakeboard you can switch to the wake skate its just like a wakeboard but your not strapped in so you can do more skateboarding tricks on the water like flip tricks and such. They are both very fun to do and once you get good at them you will have lots more fun but its an all around pretty easy and great action sort to learn and to do. This summer everyone needs to try wake boarding at least once and you'll see why people love it so much.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Friday, May 10, 2013
Assignment 20
I believe that one of the greatest ways to escape reality for a while is to put in earphones and listen to you favorite music. I think that it sparks the brain with rhythm and patterns of tone which makes someone have good thoughts and feelings. My favorite type of music is rap/memphis underground because I can listen to the songs and actually understand what their talking about and their meaning most of the time. Rap music, believe it or not actually has much meaning and when these rappers wrote these songs it was either with their good feelings or bad and they just express those feeling through their music.

Rap music is similar to poems they use phrases of feelings and emotions mixed in with rymes. If you actually listen to their lyrics you will be able to understand what their talking about and they could also be talking about stuff that you had personal experiences with like life troubles, or girl problems, even death. When rappers write their songs they just put all their feelings into words and rhymes.
Thee reason I like rap music so much is not only the significance to life and its problems but also the bass and beats. The bass to me is just like the deepness of the song and also sets the mood for the whole song either if its sad or happy. rap music is more than just cursing but actually has feeling and expression of what they are thinking and what they went through in life. Music is life put into words with a beat.

Thee reason I like rap music so much is not only the significance to life and its problems but also the bass and beats. The bass to me is just like the deepness of the song and also sets the mood for the whole song either if its sad or happy. rap music is more than just cursing but actually has feeling and expression of what they are thinking and what they went through in life. Music is life put into words with a beat.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Assignment 19
The charity I would want to help would be the IFAW, international fund for animal welfare. This organization helps with not only household pets but also many more animals that need help. They help animals such as dolphins that need help getting back to sea and help finding their family, dogs or other animals that were stuck in hurricanes and need to be rescued and put into a home, and any other animals that just need the help and love to stay alive.

charity is important to me because I love animals and I cant stand too see them hurt or killed. These people in this organizations goal is to help save many of theses animals lives to either return them to family or to put them in a home they deserve. These people just want to help make the animal community better and healthier. This organization is also bigger than most of them that are just trying to help household pets like dogs and cats but they realized its not only about them there are thousands of animals other than cats and dogs that need help today.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
assignment 18
1. I want to skate a 40 stair handrail and not die.
2. I really want to go skydiving because that would be the greatest thrill.
3. I want to go hang gliding because I love flying and I would be able to see everything so clearly.
4. I want to travel to Europe and a bunch of foreign countries to skate all the really good spots with either pros or my good friends.
5. I want to get sponsored by a skateboard company that I really like. Emerica is my dream company and I want to be sponsored by them and also to be able to travel with them.
2. I really want to go skydiving because that would be the greatest thrill.
3. I want to go hang gliding because I love flying and I would be able to see everything so clearly.
4. I want to travel to Europe and a bunch of foreign countries to skate all the really good spots with either pros or my good friends.
5. I want to get sponsored by a skateboard company that I really like. Emerica is my dream company and I want to be sponsored by them and also to be able to travel with them.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
assignment 17
If I was deserted on an island the 3 things I would bring with me would bring water, a knife, and a fishing pole. I would use the water so I can stay hydrated and stay alive. I would need to drink as much water as possible to stay alive.
I would also bring a knife to protect myself against any animals that may try to attack me. I could use the knife to cut down trees and to make shelter. I could also use the knife to fillet fish.
The last thing I would bring is a fishing pole because it would help me a get food to eat so I could get energy to live. Fishing would be a way to get food and a fun activity while your stranded on this boring island. It would also be a good way to have a good meal once and a while.
I would also bring a knife to protect myself against any animals that may try to attack me. I could use the knife to cut down trees and to make shelter. I could also use the knife to fillet fish.
The last thing I would bring is a fishing pole because it would help me a get food to eat so I could get energy to live. Fishing would be a way to get food and a fun activity while your stranded on this boring island. It would also be a good way to have a good meal once and a while.
Friday, April 26, 2013
number 15 Future job
In my future I would like to become a professional skateboarder. Skateboarding has been the only thing I liked to do since I was a little kid. I have always wanted to make a career with skateboarding, because thats all I do and I would love to be able to do that and also make money while doing it. Becoming a professional skateboarder would take a lot of work and commitment but I am willing to do anything to make it happen.
I started skateboarding when I was only 12 years old and haven't stopped yet and have been skateboarding everyday since cause I can stop its addicting. All I want for my job to be involved with the skateboard community even if i don't make it to become a professional skateboarder I want to have something to do with it.
If I make it in the skateboard industry I want to be able to travel all over the world to skate that is my dream. In the skateboard industry I wouldn't say you make a lot of money but you make enough money to get by which is all i need especially if I am doing something I love thats all that really matters to me because I couldn't see myself working for a company that I have no interest in. Professional skateboarders get to travel all over the world to skate with their friends and team riders while also getting paid.
becoming a professional skateboarder has been something I have been working very hard at since i was 12 years old and I feel like if I keep pursuing it I can and will make it. I have worked to hard to not achieve this goal, but even if I don't make it ill end up somewhere in the skateboard industry.
I started skateboarding when I was only 12 years old and haven't stopped yet and have been skateboarding everyday since cause I can stop its addicting. All I want for my job to be involved with the skateboard community even if i don't make it to become a professional skateboarder I want to have something to do with it.
If I make it in the skateboard industry I want to be able to travel all over the world to skate that is my dream. In the skateboard industry I wouldn't say you make a lot of money but you make enough money to get by which is all i need especially if I am doing something I love thats all that really matters to me because I couldn't see myself working for a company that I have no interest in. Professional skateboarders get to travel all over the world to skate with their friends and team riders while also getting paid.
becoming a professional skateboarder has been something I have been working very hard at since i was 12 years old and I feel like if I keep pursuing it I can and will make it. I have worked to hard to not achieve this goal, but even if I don't make it ill end up somewhere in the skateboard industry.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
number 16 expertise
Skateboarding is what I love and know. In skateboarding there are so many different variations and tricks you can do. Skateboarding takes a lot of work and practice to perfect your tricks. You can skate pretty much anywhere where there is concrete.
When you first start skateboarding it takes a long time to actually learn most of theses tricks some easy and some are more difficult. Skateboarding is all about muscle and movement memory, because you have to use the same exact motion of your legs every time you do a trick or it wont work. Skateboarding isn't a sport but more of a lifestyle, people that skate understand this more than people that don't.
Skateboarding is all about having a good time skating with your friends and also all the positive energy that comes off skateboarding whenever you land a trick. landing a new trick to a skateboarder is the greatest feeling in the world that could definitely be compared to something like catching a touchdown pass in football or scoring a goal in soccer. in skateboarding there are millions of tricks and variations you can do thats why people love it so much, you can express yourself on the board by showing your style.
Some of the more basic skateboarding tricks are ollies, kickflips, treflips, backsideflips, frontsideflips, and so on, but there are too many tricks to name. Skateboarding to a lot of people is a way to release stress and just have a great time with their friends there is nothing bad about it. Skateboard is the only thing for a lot of people and i feel like more people should appreciate such a great action sport.
When you first start skateboarding it takes a long time to actually learn most of theses tricks some easy and some are more difficult. Skateboarding is all about muscle and movement memory, because you have to use the same exact motion of your legs every time you do a trick or it wont work. Skateboarding isn't a sport but more of a lifestyle, people that skate understand this more than people that don't.
Skateboarding is all about having a good time skating with your friends and also all the positive energy that comes off skateboarding whenever you land a trick. landing a new trick to a skateboarder is the greatest feeling in the world that could definitely be compared to something like catching a touchdown pass in football or scoring a goal in soccer. in skateboarding there are millions of tricks and variations you can do thats why people love it so much, you can express yourself on the board by showing your style.
Some of the more basic skateboarding tricks are ollies, kickflips, treflips, backsideflips, frontsideflips, and so on, but there are too many tricks to name. Skateboarding to a lot of people is a way to release stress and just have a great time with their friends there is nothing bad about it. Skateboard is the only thing for a lot of people and i feel like more people should appreciate such a great action sport.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
number 13 my favorite movie
My favorite movie is American History X. This movie is very great because it shows the viewers the different opinions and different perspective from the whites and the blacks in venice beach. This movie shows people the racism that was going on in venice beach at that time.
This movie showed the viewers the conflict between the whites and the hispanics and how corrupt some of the white people were being against them. They showed their hatred to the hispanics by raided the stores that used to be owned by whites and were taken over by “boarder jumpers” as they would say.
This movie was greatly directed and the actors were wonderful. I also loved that this movie was based off real life events and the commentary that people had to say about them, their thoughts and opinions about what was really happening with racial issues during that time.
The main theme of the story is that the white people in venice beach thought they were being overrun by blacks and their crimes that made their city worse, this made the whites start gangs and the white gangs led to more gangs by blacks and hispanics. I believe all cities,schools, and pretty much everywhere should have diversity. In this movie it shows life without diversity, which makes you think about why we are and should be a diverse nation.
This movie showed the viewers the conflict between the whites and the hispanics and how corrupt some of the white people were being against them. They showed their hatred to the hispanics by raided the stores that used to be owned by whites and were taken over by “boarder jumpers” as they would say.
This movie was greatly directed and the actors were wonderful. I also loved that this movie was based off real life events and the commentary that people had to say about them, their thoughts and opinions about what was really happening with racial issues during that time.
The main theme of the story is that the white people in venice beach thought they were being overrun by blacks and their crimes that made their city worse, this made the whites start gangs and the white gangs led to more gangs by blacks and hispanics. I believe all cities,schools, and pretty much everywhere should have diversity. In this movie it shows life without diversity, which makes you think about why we are and should be a diverse nation.
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